Press Release
Following the motto »Non-stop chances - 2025 future retail opportunities«, the K5 will take place for the 9th time on 4 and 5 June 2019. dotSource will be represented as a top partner and exhibitor, once again, at booth 26 and will provide an overview of the opportunities and chances that come as a result of the digital transformation and how they can be used to improve customer relations.
Digital natives are already tomorrow’s customers and business partners and are leading the majority of their journeys online: Vacation bookings are being done on tablets, a Mother's Day bouquet sent by smartphone at the last minute along with those shoes she’s been eying for months, and all this happens at a virtual checkout. Expectations of retailers are correspondingly high to provide great services with a technical finesse that excites. This expectation not only accounts for the personal lives of the younger generation but also in daily business in their professional lives.
Digital Success Right from the Start.
Complicated, lengthy processes seriously damage customer relations. For this reason, B2C as well as B2B providers should focus on developing digital customer relations in order to make them successful in the long term. Digital transformation affecting all stakeholders in the retail industry opens up numerous opportunities to stand out from the competition.
As a digital agency with over 200 digital natives, dotSource understands the needs and desires of its clients and offers retailers, manufacturers, and publishers the experience and know-how to discover these possibilities and implement them accordingly. This year, dotSource will again be represented as a top partner and exhibitor at the K5 FUTURE RETAIL CONFERENCE (4-5 June 2019, Estrel Congress Center Berlin, booth 26), the leading event for the retail of tomorrow. These digital success experts will be giving consultations on the digitisation of marketing and sales at booth 26 and will show how current business trends (e.g. headless commerce, artificial intelligence, new work, etc.) can generate added value for customers.
»Presenting at K5 has been an integral part of our marketing plan for many years as the conference offers exhibitors the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise as part of comprehensive keynote speeches and sessions, targeting those interested and seeking solutions. In addition, the K5 with more than 100 exhibitors, is an ideal platform for sharing knowledge, further development, and networking,« says Christian Grötsch, Managing Director of dotSource. Appointments can be arranged in advance. Contact Franziska Kaiser to participate at the K5: events@dotsource.de, Tel: +49 3641 519 8119.