Press Release
The digital agency with headquarters in Jena is developing a direct-to-consumer (D2C) shop for FUJIFILM Europe GmbH to sell its digital cameras. In a multi-stream project, dotSource is implementing an online shop based on Adobe Commerce and a CRM solution from Salesforce for 15 European countries.
Previously, FUJIFILM's high-quality digital cameras could mainly be purchased through specialist dealers and intermediaries. There was only a B2C online shop for the UK. Now the digital agency dotSource is implementing a high-quality online platform for the globally operating company – for all of Europe. In the future, photography enthusiasts in 15 countries will be able to purchase their equipment directly via this platform. This way, FUJIFILM significantly improves the shopping experience of its customers and establishes direct contact with them in order to tailor its product range even better to the needs of the target audience.
Appealing Adobe Commerce Online Shop with Individual Features
It was decided to use Adobe Commerce as the e-commerce solution, as FUJIFILM had already had good experience with this system in the UK. The new online portal goes beyond pure e-commerce and offers customers easy access to FUJIFILM's service portfolio. They can, for example, register their purchased products and benefit from free quality checks and repair services.
Adobe Commerce Cloud ensures exceptionally good resource utilisation and a high level of reliability for the technology company. Moreover, dotSource was able to connect a number of important special features and interfaces for the European market to the shop system.

What is unique about the German online shop is FUJIFILMSchool, which forms an important part of FUJIFILM's service portfolio with its range of workshops and photography courses. The shop system Adobe Commerce provides an out-of-the-box solution for such formats, which differs from the standard online shop both in terms of content and visual appearance.
Harmonised System Landscape with Consistent Quality Standards
In order to ensure excellent customer retention as well as successful sales, it was clear to FUJIFILM from the outset that a comprehensive customer service platform was required. Following the best-of-breed approach, a combination of the Adobe Commerce online shop and Salesforce Service Cloud emerged from the joint strategy workshops with dotSource. This enables optimal aggregation and use of customer data and offers the international company numerous new options.
In this multi-stream project, dotSource can once again demonstrate its expertise in various areas of digital business and make its mark in an international project team. »We were faced with the challenge of creating a platform that encompasses e-commerce, service and marketing. dotSource supported us throughout the entire project and continues to do so, developing a professional solution together with us so that we can achieve all of our goals,« Shugo Kiryu, Product Owner Online Shops at FUJIFILM Europe GmbH, praises the collaboration.
The next step will be the online shop rollouts for other European countries. In addition, the Salesforce systems are to be used for marketing automation processes. For this purpose, dotSource will implement Salesforce Marketing Cloud so that FUJIFILM customers can be targeted with personalised e-mail marketing relating to their favourite photography topics. Based on the systems used, the further development of other online shop features, such as automatic product recommendations, is also being planned.
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