Current press release
On June 29, a foundation charter was officially signed at EAH, marking the start of the expansion of the e-commerce department at the innovative Jena location.
Jena, the 3rd of July 2018
The online minds of tomorrow can already study in Jena today - and soon not only just in the bachelor’s e-commerce program at Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule (EAH), but also in the master’s. On 29 June, 2018, a corresponding contract was signed between the university and the Stifterverband in Jena.

Front row (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Steffen Teichert (Rector of EAH), Reinhard Hoffmann (Managing Director TowerConsult GmbH Jena for the Stifterverband) Back row (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Werner Bornkessel (STIFT), Wolfgang Tiefensee (Thuringian Minister of Economics, Science and Digital Society), Christian Otto Grötsch (Managing Director dotSource GmbH Jena)
With dotSource and Diva-e, two of Germany's ten largest e-commerce agencies are financing the new master's program, but smaller players like Tritum, igniti, Flyacts and e-Networkers are also involved. Salesforce and Intershop are two of the world's top six shop system providers. Even Finnwaa, one of the leading service providers in online marketing, is involved. The field is supplemented by specialist service providers such as Orisa (configurators), Synesty (data hub from the cloud), Xceptance (quality assurance and load testing), TowerConsult (staff), Skatedeluxe (market leader in skatewear), Somengo (social media), and emgress (mobile strategy). The two Intershop founders Karsten Schneider and Stephan Schambach (also founded Salesforce Commerce Cloud Demandware and NewStore) are also involved.
A total of €635,000 is available for for the program: €480,000 will be donated by the local internet economy, €105,000 will come from the Ministry, €50,000 will be donated by the STIFT.
All partners are involved not only financially, but also in terms of content in lectures and the practical training of the working students.
Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, who was present at the signing ceremony, emphasised the importance of the Jena Internet economy and the developed systems and strategies for the digital society - worldwide. Christian Otto Grötsch, Managing Director of dotSource GmbH, has long been interested in making the location attractive not only as a place of work, but also as a training location. "With the new master's program, high-calibre young people in the field of e-commerce can be trained directly at the Jena innovation location. As a result, Jena will continue to be a leading provider of software solutions for the digitisation of sales and marketing as well as e-commerce training in Germany. From our point of view, this combination of different partners and competitors is rightly described by historians as historic.” Grötsch is a graduate of the Jena University of Applied Sciences. As early as 2013, he had helped to establish the e-commerce bachelor’s program.
About dotSource:
Learn more about dotSource - one of the fastest-growing e-commerce agencies here.