
Sailing into the future with AI: More efficient product data management for Lampenwelt

21 June 2024

Press Release

Jena/Schlitz – Lampenwelt, one of the leading retailers and manufacturers of lighting and smart home systems, worked with the digital agency dotSource to integrate the artificial intelligence (AI) solution GPT-4 into its product information management (PIM) tool from Stibo Systems. Not only did this improve the quality of the company's product data, but it also led to considerable cost savings.

Light transforms spaces and moods – from cosy and calming to inspiring and stimulating. Lampenwelt brings these emotions to its customers' homes. The continuous growth of Lampenwelt's extensive product range calls for innovative solutions to ensure that the large amounts of product data, digital content and the associated processes can be handled properly. Together with the digital agency dotSource, a PIM and digital asset management (DAM) tool from Stibo Systems had been implemented as part of a previous project.


Efficient E-Commerce Thanks to Automation

For its international online shop, Lampenwelt needs to provide product information in 16 different languages. By integrating translation services into the Stibo Systems solution, dotSource made it possible to automate the translation workflow. Based on the target language, the most suitable service provider is now selected automatically. This automation helps Lampenwelt achieve significant cost and time savings, making it easier to expand the product range to include existing country-specific online shops.


Integration of OpenAI: Innovative Product Text Creation with GPT-4

The benefits of the Stibo Systems tool in easily connecting external software solutions were also harnessed to integrate OpenAI's generative AI technology (GPT-4) into Lampenwelt's PIM system. The enriched product information stored in the PIM tool serves as a data pool for the targeted use of the now world-famous AI-based text generator. The Lampenwelt team can easily manage the content provided by OpenAI via Stibo's web user interface. Source attributes for the product texts, for example, can be freely configured, as can the desired style and text length – depending on the product category or target channel.

To further optimise the automated creation of product texts, dotSource also conducted a prompting workshop with the Lampenwelt team. »The collaboration with Lampenwelt shows that generative AI can create product texts much more efficiently using Stibo's PIM system and GPT-4-based chain-of-thoughts prompting, thereby saving valuable time and human resources,« Philipp Jauernig-Biener, AI expert at dotSource, comments on the project. Compared to the previously used AI tool »2txt«, the costs associated with text generation were reduced by around 50 per cent – alongside higher text quality.


About Lampenwelt

Founded in Schlitz (Hesse) in 1999, Lampenwelt is one of the leading retailers and manufacturers of lighting of all types, various smart home systems as well as light bulbs. The online pure player offers over 1.2 million products in its modern online shop. With more than 600 employees at six locations, the company serves B2B and B2C customers throughout Europe.

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