»Selecting E-Commerce Software« White Paper

Online shop systems and shop software compared. Including the dotSource Vendor Matrix Shop Systems!

Brand-New: A Guide for the Perfect E-Commerce Environment

In our updated white paper (as of 04/2019) we explain what a modern and future-proof e-commerce system looks like and which vendors are leading the way.

Free Download

»Selecting E-Commerce Software«: Topic Overview

  • Present and future e-commerce strategies
  • How to choose suitable e-commerce software
  • Overview of e-commerce systems
    •   Entry level solutions and selection
    •   SME soutions and selection
  • Enterprise solutions
  • Providers and technologies compared
    • Adobe
    • Salesforce Commerce Cloud
    • SAP C4/HANA (formerly: hybris)
    • IBM WATSON Commerce
    • commercetools
    • Intershop
    • Magento Open Source
  • Additional feature: dotSource Vendor Matrix Shop Systems

Complementing the well-known, but American-centred comparisons from Forrester and Gartner, dotSource has developed a comparative chart for the DACH market that adjusts the weights accordingly and lists all relevant players.

How to Make Your E-Commerce Business fit for the Future

E-Commerce is one of the strongest growth markets in the DACH economy - but at the same time it's a highly competitive market. Choosing and implementing a tailor-made e-commerce system is therefore an important success factor. But which e-commerce software actually suits each situation?

In our white paper, we don't just give an overview of leading vendors for different company sizes from startup to enterprise, we also explain why moving away from the pure e-commerce system to integrating an e-commerce function into a digital experience platform and what the benefits of this change are.

In addition, we clarify in what the approaches differ, like framework or SaaS.

However,  we not only describe the vendors and functions, we also rate them. Accordingly, we have updated the dotSource vendor matrix, which gives an overview of which systems are leading based on independent criteria. Here we cover all major players from Salesforce, SAP, Adobe and commercetools to Spryker.

In addition to the provider comparison for both B2C and B2B and multichannel, we give extensive tips on what decision-makers should pay attention to when selecting e-commerce software.

Additionaly, we address what is important in-house for a system change or an update.

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


Digital Experience Universe 2023 – One Poster, Three Matrices, All Key Facts about E-Commerce!

Make successful business decisions with our vendor matrices and always stay on top of things with our free »Digital Experience Universe« poster.

Digital Experience Universe 2023: Better Decisions with the dotSource Vendor Matrices

Download the Poster for Free

Digital Experience Universe: Many Paths – One Poster

There are many paths leading to the digital horizon. Whether it is product information management, business intelligence or content management systems: the range of providers and solutions is extremely extensive. Besides concise key facts, our »Digital Experience Universe« poster provides you with three vendor matrices for better decision-making in e-business. Click here to download the poster for free!

All Facts on One Poster

Simple and Clear: All Facts at a Glance

From user experience to cloud computing, from customer relationship management to marketing automation: our »Digital Experience Universe« poster combines knowledge covering all important aspects of e-commerce. Benefit from carefully compiled information that is backed up with figures. Do you have any questions as to how you can embark on your journey to the digital horizon? Our experts are happy to hear from you!

Arrange a consulting session now

Find Out More about the Three dotSource Vendor Matrices in Our Publications

Curious? We have put together a comprehensive selection of our free publications for you. Have fun reading!

  1. The Ultimate List of Marketing Automation Statistics 2023 – Findstack – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3ZL7c4U
  2. State of the Connected Customer – Salesforce – accessed on 11/11/2022, sforce.co/3zDx202
  3. Whitepaper »Marketing-Automation-Systeme auswählen« – dotSource – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3menvte
  4. Whitepaper »Business-Intelligence-Software« – dotSource – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3o4hYWR
  5. 45 Amazing Business Intelligence Statistics for 2023 – Techjury – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3KCimVb
  6. How to Improve Your Data Quality – Gartner – accessed on 11/11/2022, gtnr.it/3zzvog0
  7. Big Data – Bain & Company – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3ocqOlf
  8. HDE Online-Monitor-2022 – HDE – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/2I8az2n
  9. 155 Essential eCommerce Statistics 2023 – ThriveMyWay – accessed on 19/12/2022, bit.ly/416dJs8
  10. 155 Essential eCommerce Statistics 2023 – ThriveMyWay – accessed on 19/12/2022, bit.ly/416dJs8
  11. Whitepaper »PIM- und DAM-Software auswählen« – dotSource – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3ZOuTtb
  12. Product Information Management (PIM) Statistics That Matter Right Now – Plytix – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3Uggwg1
  13. Product Information Management (PIM) Statistics That Matter Right Now – Plytix – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3Uggwg1
  14. Product Information Management (PIM) Statistics That Matter Right Now – Plytix – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3Uggwg1
  15. Das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) – Bundesfachstelle Barrierefreiheit – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3zUBjMP
  16. Bedarfe ermitteln, Teilhabe gestalten – BEI_NRW – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3MJclrk
  17. Trendbuch 2023  – dotSource – accessed on 19/12/2022, bit.ly/411dpvf
  18. Whitepaper »Content-Management-Systeme auswählen« – dotSource – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/43mg9Vw
  19. Whitepaper »Content-Commerce« – dotSource – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3GlHdKs
  20. Content-Commerce – Handelskraft – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3KySlpT
  21. Whitepaper »Content-Commerce« – dotSource – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3GlHdKs
  22. 10 CRM Statistics Every Small Business Should Know – Fit Small Business – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/43bq289
  23. Kundenbeziehung mit CRM – Deloitte – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3MhXUKN
  24. 10 CRM Statistics Every Small Business Should Know – Fit Small Business – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/43bq289
  25. SDGs – Umweltdialog – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3UcTh6q
  26. Das grüne Herz der Cloud – Accenture – accessed on 11/11/2022, accntu.re/3nVrRG4
  27. Green Hosting – Keyweb – accessed on 12/04/2023, bit.ly/3zWmEki
  28. Digital Transformation Index 2020 – Dell Technologies – accessed on 13/10/2022, bit.ly/416pm29
  29. 10 Untold Advantages of Digitalization That You Should Know – The ECM Consultant – accessed on 11/11/2022, bit.ly/3nSeoz6
  30. Digital Transformation Index 2020 – Dell Technologies – accessed on 13/10/2022, bit.ly/416pm29

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


Handelskraft Trend Book 2024 »Digital Metamorphosis«

Disruptive changes in the economy and society result in the emergence of new digital trends at ever shorter intervals, driving e-business forward. The Handelskraft Trend Book 2024 analyses these business trends and how they apply to day-to-day practice.

Award-Winning Trend Book: Accolades for Design and Content

Last year, the Handelskraft Trend Book was recognised with several awards: the German Marketing Award 2023 in the »Graphic Design (Brochure)« category and the DEUTSCHER AGENTURPREIS (German Agency Award) in the »B2B Content Marketing« category.

German Marketing Award Trend Book

DEUTSCHER AGENTURPREIS (German Agency Award) Trend Book

5 Digital Trends Discussed in the Handelskraft Trend Book 2024

The pace at which disruptions are changing the economy and society continues to increase. The associated digital trends provide companies with new opportunities to keep pace with this rapid transformation and boost their success. The Handelskraft Trend Book 2024 »Digital Metamorphosis« helps you understand business trends and leverage them to drive innovation forward.

Trend #1: AI Expertise Meets New Work

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can lower process costs by up to

30 %

and increase conversion rates by up to

20 %

on top.

Building up AI expertise and benefitting twice

Companies that adopt modern working methods to establish the mindset required to acquire new skills benefit in two ways. With empathetic leadership, an open feedback culture and adapted job roles, they can increase employee satisfaction and the willingness to embrace the opportunities offered by new disruptive technology.

To accompany the shift in skills responsibly, companies should:

  • analyse what skills are needed.
  • specify job roles in the context of AI.
  • create an AI expertise profile for each job role.
  • identify training measures.


Building up AI expertise

Trend #2: Measurable Business Goals

Companies that do not know where they stand cannot decide on their future direction.

Those who want to harness disruptive technology for their business growth first need a detailed concept for its implementation. Methods such as the use of objectives and key results (OKRs) help define a shared vision and make the progress towards achieving goals transparent. As part of this method, it makes sense to redefine goals for each trimester. This allows companies to respond to new requirements more flexibly and encourages employees to make their own contribution to the shared vision.

Tips for a successful start to using OKRs:

  • Objectives must be formulated as specifically and precisely as possible and are ideally a source of inspiration.
  • Key results should be as realistic, time-bound and measurable as possible.
  • OKRs must be reviewed regularly and adjusted if necessary.


Measuring progress towards goals

83 %

of companies are convinced that OKRs have a positive impact on their organisation.

Trend #3: Secure Agile Development

Software testing accounts for around

30 %

of the total development effort, making it a key starting point for improvements.

Testing at an early stage ensures resilience.

Agile coding methods such as the DevOps approach make it possible for companies to respond to changing customer requirements as quickly as possible and benefit from technological innovations. However, the need to create code at an ever-increasing pace makes the whole process more prone to errors.

The more advanced DevSecOps approach integrates security measures from the end of the development cycle into all phases, thereby intensifying collaboration between development (Dev), security (Sec) and operational (Ops) teams.

Closely linking development, security and operational processes:

  • helps detect security vulnerabilities early on.
  • makes it easier to comply with security standards.
  • lowers development costs.
  • shortens time to market.
  • improves code quality.


Reducing security risks

Trend #4: Personalisation

Seamless, consistent and personalised target group approach

The more companies know about the target audience for their products and services, the better they can respond to changing expectations and set themselves apart from the competition. With the help of analytics tools, companies can better understand their customers' online behaviour and implement tailored measures such as personalised landing pages, banners and product recommendations. Only brands that communicate seamlessly and consistently with their customers across all relevant channels will be remembered positively.

Companies that address their target audience individually benefit from:

  • a 70% increase in brand loyalty.
  • doubled conversion rates.
  • up to 40% larger orders.


Increasing relevance

71 %

of consumers expect personalised content.

76 %

are frustrated when it is missing.

Trend #5: Technology Meets User Experience

Digital experience platforms can deliver a return on investment (ROI) of up to
242 %

over a three-year period.

Combining digital disciplines and succeeding in e-business

E-commerce is far more than a functioning online shop. The increasing frequency of disruptions offers companies new opportunities to optimise digital experiences. However, this also makes it more challenging to effectively connect different solutions using a modular architecture. A dedicated digital experience platform (DXP) makes it possible to bring together existing tools and solutions and tailor all digital touchpoints contextually and according to individual needs.

A DXP offers companies the following benefits:

  • Efficient data analytics
  • Improved customer experience
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Enhanced brand image


Optimising user experience

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Selecting Customer Data Platforms« White Paper – Providers and Systems Compared

Prepare for a Paradigm Shift: From Channels to Audiences

What Defines a Customer Data Platform (CDP) and How Can Such a Solution Strengthen Your Customer Relationships?

In this white paper, we illustrate how consistent, analysable and segmented data can help you reach your customers more effectively and keep them engaged in the long term.

Download for free here

Customer Data Platforms – Facts & Figures

CDP: Higher Growth in Customer Satisfaction


times higher growth in customer satisfaction can be achieved annually with a CDP.

CDP: Consistent Customer Engagement

89 %

of companies using a CDP report being better equipped to engage with customers consistently across multiple channels.

CDP: Increase in Budgets

25 %

increase in CDP budgets is planned by about half of all C-level executives surveyed in the coming years.

Customer Data Platforms: Topic Overview

CDP: What Does It Do?

What Does a CDP Do?

A modern CDP consolidates insights from various data sources to reach your target audience more efficiently. Discover how this technology can help you better connect customer touchpoints while providing effective support for both marketing and sales.

CDP: How Does It Work?

How a CDP Works – Clearly Explained

From data collection and segmentation to activation – gain a comprehensive overview of a CDP's core functionalities and learn how this technology improves customer experiences.

CDP: Key Selection Criteria

Key Criteria for Selecting a CDP

A CDP needs to meet a wide range of requirements. So how do you choose the right solution? Our in-depth comparison of leading software providers in the DACH region helps you make an informed decision.

Become an Expert on CDPs! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:

  • What are CDPs and what can they do?
  • What are the core functionalities of a CDP?
  • What differentiates a CDP from systems for customer engagement, business intelligence (BI) or customer relationship management?
  • What opportunities and challenges come with the implementation of a CDP?
  • What effect do data readiness and a company's mindset have when it comes to the implementation of a CDP?
  • What criteria should be used to select a CDP provider?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the most important systems?

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Selecting Customer Relationship Management Software« White Paper – CRM Providers and Systems Compared

Digital Customer Relationship Management – Achieving Success with the Right Tool

How to Take Your Customer Relationships to the Next Level with the Right CRM Software

In our white paper, we highlight the advantages of modern customer relationship management in digital business and directly compare the leading CRM providers.

Download for free here

Selecting Customer Relationship Management Software – Facts & Figures

imac analyze chart icon duotone bluegreen

85 %

of companies consider efficient data management to be a prerequisite for successfully addressing customers.

customer service laptop

94 %

of consumers make their purchasing decision based on the quality of customer service.

rating like icon duotone bluegreen

75 %

of CRM system users state that ease of use is more important to them than the range of features.

Selecting Customer Relationship Management Software: Topic Overview

Avatar Check Duotone Icon Blue Green


With the increasing number of touchpoints, the amount of customer data is also growing. Only those who know how to use this data effectively can tailor their offers and consulting services precisely to their customers' needs.

app servers


Whether it is marketing, sales or service: we show you how all departments of your company can benefit from the versatile features and capabilities of a CRM system.

cloud developer icon duotone bluegreen


Even in the field of CRM, »software as a service« is the future. Multi-cloud solutions make a CRM system flexibly scalable and expandable while ensuring smooth processes.

Expand Your Customer Relationship Management Expertise! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:
  • How do companies benefit from consistent customer data and strengthened customer relationships?
  • How do you find the CRM system that best suits your company?
  • What challenges do you face when implementing a CRM system?
  • How should you proceed when evaluating a CRM system?
  • Which mindset and organisational structures make CRM activities successful?
  • How do the leading CRM providers differ in terms of performance, range of features and cost model?
  • How important is artificial intelligence for customer relationship management?


Download the white paper for free now



Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»KPIs in Digital Business« White Paper – Performance Measurement for Modern E-Commerce

KPIs and Key Figures for Your E-Commerce Success

KPIs in Digital Business – Facts & Figures

E-Commerce KPIs


key figures, on average, are actually considered to make up a company's key performance indicators (KPIs) – according to the business consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

»KPIs in Digital Business« White Paper dotSource

67 %

of innovative companies consider data to be growing faster than their capabilities to deal with it.

KPIs Examples


perspectives on strategic objectives are brought together by the Balanced Scorecard framework.

KPIs in Digital Business: Topic Overview

Individually Defined KPIs for Your Company

KPIs for Your Company: Individually Defined and Targeted

Every company is unique – depending on the industry and depending on whether it is B2B or B2C, success can be defined completely differently. What they all have in common, however, is that it must be possible to measure the degree to which objectives have been achieved. The right KPI strategy is essential in this regard.

KPIs Definition

E-Commerce KPIs Neatly Explained

In this white paper, we present 14 of the most important e-commerce KPIs and elaborate on how they are compiled and evaluated. We also provide a useful overview of these KPIs in the form of a cheat sheet – an excellent basis for your KPI strategy.

KPIs Advantages

KPIs for E-Commerce and Beyond

Our experts explain how not only e-commerce, but also related areas of digital business can benefit from the right KPIs. They show that product information management (PIM), user experience design (UXD) and many other disciplines contribute to e-commerce success as well.

Find Out Everything About KPIs in Digital Business! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:
  • What are KPIs and why are they so important for measuring performance?
  • Which relevant e-commerce KPIs do you need to know?
  • How can you optimise performance measurement with KPIs?
  • How can you find the right KPI framework for your company?
  • How do other companies benefit from KPIs and key figures in e-commerce?
  • What is the difference between KPIs and key figures?
  • How can data-driven business contribute to business success?
  • What role do KPIs play for disciplines such as PIM, UXD, agile coaching and platform integration?


Download the white paper for free now



Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


White Paper »E-Commerce Potential in B2B«

What can e-commerce do for your business?

B2B is Becoming Digital

Request the white paper (published 1/2017) now and increase your sales!


Topic Overview: B2B E-Commerce

  • Digitalisation in the B2B sphere
  • German B2B market and B2B commerce . 06
  • Boosting e-commerce - driving B2B growth

Download now!


  • Simplification of standard orders 
  • M-commerce, an active player 
  • The acquisition and retention of customers made easier through marketing technologies 
  • Centralising and displaying information better
  • Displaying complex products 
  • User experience as a competitive advantage 
  • Automating process 
  • Faster internationalisation

E-Commerce in B2B is Still Uncharted Territory. However, There is a Large Potential for Retailers and Manufacturers

  • A B2B online shop allows you to address B and C clients. Your sales team can focus on especially lucrative customers.
  • An online shop offers more service and information. Products can be bought day and night and also directly from the location with the help of mobile commerce. 
  • A B2B online shop can facilitate the first steps into the international market

Considering that every B2B customer is also a B2C customer in their private lives, who might even prefer to buy from Amazon and co, e-commerce should be be a given.

In the complex B2B sector, this extensive process of transformation does not happen overnight. Prepared companies which have built up e-commerce competencies will profit. 

The Most Important Key Figures in B2B E-Commerce at a Glance

»B2B E-Commerce« Cheat Sheet Thumbnail

  • Our »B2B E-Commerce« cheat sheet shows you the most important facts and figures relating to the B2B market. How has the market developed? Is there untapped potential? The cheat sheet provides a clear overview and helps you make sound decisions.

Download it for free now

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Success in Mobile Commerce« White Paper

Solutions and support for the development of a mobile strategy

The Smartphone as a Purchase Companion

Request the white paper (published 11/2016) and get started with mobile commerce!

Free Download

Entry Into Mobile Commerce - Not If, But How!

Whether selling channel, source of information or instrument of payment – it is not possible to imagine shopping without smartphone. A mobile strategy should be responsive to these various scenarios and support innovative shopping experiences. 

The enormous take-off of mobile services presents new challenges for pure e-commerce players, such as stationary traders: Do I need an app, a mobile site or a hybrid variant? What demands do the screen sizes of mobile end devices make on web design and performance? How do customers’ requirements for shop usability and checkout processes change?

In the white paper »Success in mobile commerce« the basics of mobile web design and usability will be presented. Even the differences between apps and mobile wed design, as well as their mixed forms, will be discussed. Tips for performance and optimisation of forms follow a foray into responsive web design.

Download now!

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Selecting Content Management Systems« White Paper – CMS Providers and Technologies Compared

High-Quality Digital Content Is More Important Than Ever Before

How to Strengthen Your Company and Your Brand with the Right CMS

Our white paper shows how to consistently provide your target audience with relevant and inspiring content and evaluates the leading CMS providers.

Download for free here

Selecting Content Management Systems – Facts & Figures

Creative Thinking Icon white

46 %

of high performers among B2C companies are currently investing in modern content management systems.

Global CMS Market Size Forecast


billion US dollars is forecast to be the global
CMS market size by 2025.

Websites Created Using WordPress

65 %

of all websites created with a CMS use WordPress.

Selecting Content Management Systems: Topic Overview

Content Meets (E-)Commerce


It is becoming increasingly important to distribute high-quality content to the right target audience on all channels. A CMS helps companies place their offers prominently with modern storytelling and service content.

Author Experience Determines Customer Experience


The user experience of those who work with a CMS and put a company's content strategy into practice on a daily basis is crucial for the output of high-quality web content – and thus for the customer experience.

CMS Selection

Selecting a CMS the Right Way

We give you tips on your modern content strategy and explain the evaluation criteria that you should definitely take into account when selecting a new CMS. We also compare the most important providers in detail.

Expand Your Content Management Expertise! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:
  • Why do you need a content management system?
  • How do you select the right CMS solution?
  • What do »best of suite« and »best of breed« mean when it comes to setting up a modern digital platform?
  • Which types of content management systems are suitable for
    which companies?
  • What is the difference between community and enterprise systems?
  • What is the »composability« trend all about?
  • What are the advantages of a headless CMS?
  • How do the leading CMS providers differ in terms of author experience, range of features and cost model?


Download the white paper for free now



Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Artificial Intelligence« White Paper – How AI Is Driving Digital Business Forward

Using a variety of examples, we show you how to benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) in e-commerce.

Artificial Intelligence – Facts & Figures

Artificial Intelligence: Marketing

59 %

of digital marketers worldwide are already using AI to optimise existing content.

Artificial Intelligence: History


was the year when Alan Turing laid the foundation for AI with his Turing machine.

Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT


months passed before OpenAI's ChatGPT reached 100 million monthly active users – a clear sign of the AI revolution.

Artificial Intelligence: Topic Overview

Generative AI

Generative AI

Texts, images, videos: AI makes it possible to automate repetitive tasks in content creation, giving you more time and freedom to work on high-quality content.

Data Management

Data Management

Data is the foundation and fuel for AI. Companies that want to harness the full potential of new technologies benefit from properly organised data. AI helps them navigate the data landscape.

Overview of Relevant Providers

Overview of Relevant Providers

The AI market is booming and start-ups as well as innovative projects are emerging everywhere. At the same time, the major providers are consolidating their positions. Find out which tools to keep an eye on.

Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce: This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions

  • What can AI be used for in e-commerce?
  • How can you benefit from using generative AI?
  • How does AI make content and data management easier?
  • How can AI speed up your workflows in digital business?
  • What are the benefits of using AI in e-commerce and retail?
  • How important is a solid data foundation when using AI?
  • How can AI support you in personalisation?
  • Why is it worth using AI as part of a digital experience platform (DXP)?
  • How can AI help find the right employees?


Download the white paper for free now

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Selecting PIM and DAM Software« White Paper

Product Information and Digital Asset Management Systems and Providers Compared

How to Make Product Information and Digital Asset Management More Efficient

In our white paper, we show you how companies can optimally use essential data sets for sales and marketing and which software tools are the right ones for which company.

Download for free here

PIM and DAM Software: Topic Overview


With the help of PIM and DAM systems, companies can create a »single source of truth« and thus make all relevant data centrally available.


Those who quickly find and process the right data not only ensure customer satisfaction, but also reduce their internal, manual efforts.


We show you which provider is suitable for which target audience and what distinguishes the individual solutions in terms of data model, integration, functionality and hosting model.

PIM and DAM Software – Facts & Figures

85 %

of companies that have implemented a PIM system consider the increase in efficiency to be the biggest benefit.

52 %

of decision-makers see the time-saving factor as the most important reason for implementing a new PIM system.

100 %

of companies that are satisfied with their product data management have implemented a PIM system. Only those that do not use a PIM system are dissatisfied.

Become an Expert Yourself! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:
  • How can a modern PIM system help your business?
  • Why are good DAM features or a stand-alone DAM system vital for your digital platform?
  • What solutions are there and which one best suits your company's business processes?
  • How has modern product information management developed?
  • What pain points do most companies have to deal with and what benefits does a PIM system offer to solve these problems?
  • How can you effectively harness the potential of product information and media data for your company?
  • What do you need to bear in mind when selecting a system and the right implementation partner?


Download the white paper for free now



Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Selecting MDM Software« White Paper

Master Data Management Is Crucial to the Future of Business

How to Take Your Company to the Next Level with the Right MDM System

In this white paper, we show you how to manage various data domains in one central location. We also explain how you can quickly and effectively distribute data and help you select the right master data management (MDM) system.

Download for free here

MDM Software – Facts & Figures

MDM as a Key Factor Contributing to Business Success

95 %

of German-speaking experts and managers consider MDM to be a key factor contributing to business success.

360-Degree View Using MDM Software


-degree view of all types of business data – from customer details and media assets to product information? All you need is a sophisticated MDM system!

Engaging Product Information Is Crucial

27 %

of consumers pay less attention to the price in online shops if product information is presented in an appealing and up-to-date manner.

MDM Software: Topic Overview

Unlocking the Potential of Business Data

Unlocking the Potential of Business Data

We show you how to intelligently manage all relevant data domains and benefit from new analytical capabilities in the long run. Moreover, we describe what role an enterprise resource planning tool plays in a modern system landscape featuring an MDM solution.

Making Processes More Efficient

Making Processes More Efficient

MDM systems have been proven to reduce return rates, boost data-driven awareness in corporate cultures and ensure the necessary level of data security. We explain how this works and take an in-depth look at the most important software providers.

Comparing and Evaluating Providers

Comparing and Evaluating Providers

We share tips on how to implement a modern MDM strategy and outline the evaluation criteria you should bear in mind when selecting an MDM system. We carefully compare a wide range of software providers and present the results in the dotSource vendor matrix.

Become an Expert Yourself! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:

  • Why do you need an MDM system?
  • How do you select the right MDM tool?
  • How do you integrate an MDM solution into your existing system landscape?
  • Which types of MDM systems are suitable for which companies?
  • How do MDM solutions differ from product information management and digital asset management software?
  • How do you establish a »single source of truth« and what benefits does it bring?
  • How do the leading MDM providers differ in terms of data domains, range of features and cost model?


Download the white paper for free now



Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


Handelskraft Trend Book 2022 »Digital Champions«

Every company can become a digital champion. What it takes is an innovative spirit and the right strategy. Our six business trends for 2022 provide inspiration.

Topics Discussed in »Handelskraft 2022 – Digital Champions«

Trend #1: Marketing Mix of the Future

The Extended Marketing Mix Encompasses All Tools That Are Designed to Achieve Marketing Goals

How have the seven Ps of marketing changed under the influence of everywhere commerce, corporate influencers and fair pricing? And how can physical experience worlds that shape brands be transferred to the digital realm?


How Does Digitalisation Affect

  • product?
  • price?
  • place?
  • promotion?
  • people?
  • process?
  • physical evidence?


It Is a Fact That

90 %

of B2B customers

primarily use digital channels for communication.

Before the pandemic, it was only 38%.

Trend #2: Becoming a Love Brand

What Method Do You Use to Build Brand Loyalty?

  • Sonic branding
  • Live stream shopping
  • Voice commerce
  • The print renaissance


Brand Loyalty Is No Longer a Question of Business Model

With the renaissance of print and audio branding, but also trends such as live stream shopping and voice commerce, companies are turning customers into loyal fans. Successful brands are brands that can be experienced – with all senses and without overwhelming users!


Good to Know:

40 %

of people over the age of 14

use audio streaming services.

Trend #3: Data Is Our Friend

On Average, Companies Grow By

30 %

per year when they rely on data-driven insights.


Successful Companies Take the Fear out of Data and Make It Part of Their Organisational Culture

Before companies can use new technologies and approaches to data analysis, they must lay a crucial foundation: a company-wide data culture. This promotes collaboration across teams and drives knowledge democratisation by eliminating gatekeepers.


Working Together in a Data-Driven Way Is What Leads to the Successful Use of Tools Such As

  • data fabric
  • natural language processing
  • customer and data management platforms
  • business intelligence


Trend #4: Hybrid Retail

Let Us Say Goodbye to Sentences Like

  • »You can only get really good service in retail stores.«
  • »Products are only sent to your home if you buy them online.«
  • »Only geeks make contactless payments with their smartphone.«


The E in E-Commerce Is Becoming Redundant

All that used to be true, but not anymore. Customers are channel hoppers. Both the digitalisation of the stationary point of sale (POS) and the transfer of analogue services to online shops are simply expected by customers these days. However, there is more to successful hybrid retail than mobile payment in retail stores or digital shopping assistants online.


By the Way:

90 %

of B2B product sales

are generated through personalised services.

Trend #5: Sustainable Business Models

Sustainability Has Become a Purchasing Criterion for

80 %

of consumers worldwide.

Sustainability Is the Benchmark for Success in Digital Business

More than ever, companies are faced with the challenge of becoming digital climate champions with concrete measures for industry and trade in order to secure both long-term economic benefits and the loyalty of their customers.


There Are Numerous Way to Achieve This. We Take a Look at

  • sustainable business models
  • green IT
  • sustainable UX
  • behavioural design

Trend #6: IT Is a Business Matter

The Closer IT and Business Units Are Connected, the Better Companies Are Able to Respond to

unexpected crises in society as a whole, changing customer expectations or new internal requirements. Besides the provision of a modern IT infrastructure, this requires a mutual understanding of tech and business.


We Demystify Topics Such As

  • cloud computing
  • security by design
  • containerisation
  • GitOps
  • service meshes


Did You Know That


jobs related to cloud computing

were advertised by German companies in the remote year 2020?


Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


Handelskraft Trend Book 2023 »Digital Horizon«

Based on global megatrends, e-business is constantly evolving. The Handelskraft Trend Book 2023 helps decision-makers understand these megatrends in the context of their business model and put them into practice.

Topics Discussed in »Handelskraft 2023 – Digital Horizon«

Trend #1: Sustainable Digital Transformation

Did You Know That

90 %

of CEOs and top executives

consider sustainability to be just as relevant as digitalisation?

Companies need to become sustainable or they will disappear

In 2023, it is not digital transformation that drives business success, but sustainable digital transformation – not least because the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (in short: SDGs) also have a significant impact on corporate finance and the capital market as a result of the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

To achieve both the SDGs and one's own economic goals, a dual transformation is necessary. Twin transformers are among the market leaders of tomorrow!


Companies that embrace sustainable digital transformation contribute in particular to the following of the UN's 19 SDGs:

  • Innovation and infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Climate action
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Partnerships to achieve the goals


Trend #2: The Cloud on the Digital Horizon

Cloud services and data-driven business go hand in hand

Cloud services not only provide more agility, but also ensure data transparency, which increases the productivity of business units, strengthens customer relationships and makes sustainability initiatives possible in the first place.

Data mesh is an approach that decentralises data expertise, making it easier to share insights from data on a company-wide basis and thus leading to smarter business decisions.


The implementation of a new architecture such as a data mesh

  • reconciles the needs of those who generate data with the needs of those who consume it
  • shifts the collection and maintenance of data to the departments where it is generated
  • forms the basis for sustainable digital processes, products and services


Experts Predict:


will see cloud computing

lead the market for IT infrastructure.

Trend #3: Strategy & Operations

More Than

70 %

of companies

tie their own sustainability goals to the content of the SDGs: climate action, decent work and economic growth as well as industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Tips for a sustainable digital strategy update

Today, the question of twin transformation is at the heart of corporate strategy updates to define internal sustainability goals and ensure transparency as well as compliance.

The following also applies to sustainable digital transformers: only those who keep track of their performance succeed – and continue to do so. Outcomes from the analysis of the current situation can be linked to selected topics covered by the SDGs.


Small steps, big impact

Instead of launching random sustainability initiatives, we recommend that companies focus on topics that

  • can be addressed within one financial year
  • quickly lead to initial results
  • have a big impact


Trend #4: E-Commerce 2.0

Megatrends redefine growth in e-commerce

E-commerce continues to grow and is becoming more multi-faceted in itself. However, the most important trends all equally build on the megatrends of

  • sustainability
  • responsibility
  • participation


It is no longer just about purchasing products in a static online shop

E-commerce has long become e-commerce 2.0 – and thus a sea of possibilities. We take a look at

  • twin transformation: sustainability meets digital transformation
  • crisis-proof customer relationship management
  • direct to consumer (D2C)
  • inclusive design
  • circular commerce and much more


By the Way:

58 %

of German consumers

rethink their purchasing behaviour and opt for sustainable products when retailers provide full transparency on the carbon footprint of products.

Trend #5: Technologies & Systems


75 %

savings in IT maintenance costs

were achieved by the Danish Salling Group as a result of lower operating costs in general and the consolidation of its online shops into one platform.

Is there a one-size-fits-all solution or central platform?

New challenges call for new, multi-faceted solutions. Technical requirements are becoming more complex, customer expectations more demanding and the market more differentiated than ever. The online world is constantly evolving. The digital horizon shimmers in the most diverse facets. Successful companies use this wide variety to set themselves apart from the competition.


We carefully examine current tech and system trends such as

  • composable commerce
  • the MACH principle
  • decentralisation via distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks
  • design systems


Trend #6: Purpose & People

Only a strong team makes a strong brand

The market for qualified employees is extremely competitive. In spring 2022, almost half the companies in Germany saw the shortage of skilled labour as an obstacle to their business activities – and this percentage is rising.

But what tips the scales in favour of a company when it comes to skilled workers? We have observed the following: companies benefit from diverse perspectives and special skills if opportunities are created for colleagues to further develop themselves.


That is why this chapter covers topics such as

  • empowered leadership
  • flexible working models
  • sustainable corporate culture
  • diversity management and equal opportunities


It Is a Fact That



could not be filled with qualified employees in spring 2022.

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


»Digital Experience Platforms« White Paper

Creating Engaging User Journeys to Strengthen Customer Retention

How to Configure and Deliver Holistic Experiences

In this white paper, we show you how companies can transform their system landscape into a future-proof digital experience platform (DXP) to ensure a consistent, seamless and personalised customer experience.

Download for free here

Digital Experience Platforms – Facts & Figures

Increased Customer Retention by Focusing on Digital Experiences

66 %

of companies significantly increased customer retention by focusing their strategies on digital experiences.

Higher Customer Lifetime Value by Implementing a DXP

60 %

of companies also reported a higher customer lifetime value as a result of implementing a DXP.

Intelligent Personalisation Thanks to a DXP

70 %

of users expect intelligent personalisation – a feature that digital experience platforms can deliver very effectively.

»dotSource Research«: Everything You Need to Know About Digital Experience Platforms

What is a DXP and how can your company benefit from implementing such a solution? In this »dotSource Research« video, our DXP expert Frank Andersen provides exciting insights. Watch it for free now.

Digital Experience Platforms: Topic Overview

Benefits of a DXP

Benefits of a DXP

In this white paper, we clearly outline the benefits of setting up a DXP when it comes to ensuring an outstanding experience for all users – both internal and external.

What Is Meant by »Best of Breed« and »Best of Suite«?

Differences Between the Approaches

Furthermore, we explain what is meant by »best of breed« and »best of suite« and highlight the strategic differences between these two approaches.

Use of AI as Part of a DXP

Enhanced Experiences Through AI and Design Systems

This white paper also shows why design systems are so relevant to achieving consistency and demonstrates how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can help future-proof a DXP.

Become an Expert Yourself! This White Paper Provides Answers to the Following Questions:

  • What is a modern DXP capable of?
  • How can you transform your system landscape into a DXP that delivers optimised experiences?
  • To what extent does a strategic focus on digital experiences strengthen customer retention, enhance brand visibility and boost sales?
  • What challenges need to be overcome?
  • What are design systems and what is meant by the atomic design methodology?
  • What role does in-depth user research play in innovative DXP projects?
  • Why does it take an experienced full-service digital agency to successfully implement these complex multi-channel projects?


Download the white paper for free now

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027


Digital Transformation of the Energy Industry – Inspiration for the Future

There is massive pressure on energy companies to be innovative. This calls for a new way of thinking and a willingness to innovate – find out how the energy industry has been able to leverage digital trends and solutions.

How the Energy Industry Benefits from Digital Trends and Solutions

Based on numerous success stories, we present the challenges faced by companies in the energy industry and show you how innovative digital strategies and suitable systems ensure long-term success.

Download for free here

Cutting-Edge Digital Solutions for the Energy Industry

Cutting-edge digital solutions are key to success, especially in the energy industry – a market characterised by rapid development. Whether in B2B or B2C – target audiences have high expectations in terms of service level, informative content and personalised approaches.

As an experienced, agnostic digital agency, we support numerous players in the energy industry in selecting and implementing suitable strategies and tools to drive digital transformation forward.

Find out in our white paper how your energy company can

  • sell complex energy products via a digital platform
  • manage content efficiently and distribute it optimally
  • store sales and customer data centrally
  • create a brand message for the perfect brand image
  • set up a cloud architecture to establish a reliable IT landscape

Want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Thomas Loppar

Thomas Loppar

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9032
