2018 Digital Trends From Handelskraft
- Time for Excellence: Digital Customer Experiences, Personalisation, Omnichannel, Content Commerce
- Change is Everywhere: Retail is Becoming a Local Provider, B2B - Welcome to the Platform Economy , Silicon Valley Mindset, Innovation Management, New Working World
- Data is the New Oil: Intelligence is the New Petrol, From Personal to Individual, Data Science - Advanced & Predictive Analytics, Blockchain, Smart Businesses, Digital ID, APIs
- Future Retail: Internationalisation, Example: China, Marketplaces Reloaded, Excite with Services, Logistics, Future Payment
- Brands in the Digital Age: Successful Brands are Good Hosts, We Want What We See, Digital Becomes Audible, Artificial Intelligence, Brands as Employers
Also in the new trend book: Digital Business Facts & Figures (for the first time beyond just commerce) - Including but not limited to: Internet usage, consumer behavior, marketplaces, payment methods, technologies
Make Business, Not Buzzwords
Our steps through the digital world have become secure. We seamlessly switch between digital city center, cidigital commeral and industrial areas, as well as connected homes. Our experience is changing from excited joy about the comfort gained to high demands on the user experience.
In order to best serve user requirements, companies are focusing on data. Customer data, product data, order history, campaign KPIs, and more. All data is poured into tools designed to deliver the ultimate digital experience under the heading of Big Data.
Unquestionably, data-based information is a powerful tool that should be used wisely. But behind the digital devices, it continues to be people who have to be convinced by their own offer. They have a sense for the subtle differences and decide which offer they trust and which not.
Handelskraft wants to show how this can succeed in 2018.
Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!