
Handelskraft Trend Book 2023 »Digital Horizon«

Based on global megatrends, e-business is constantly evolving. The Handelskraft Trend Book 2023 helps decision-makers understand these megatrends in the context of their business model and put them into practice.

Topics Discussed in »Handelskraft 2023 – Digital Horizon«

Trend #1: Sustainable Digital Transformation

Did You Know That

90 %

of CEOs and top executives

consider sustainability to be just as relevant as digitalisation?

Companies need to become sustainable or they will disappear

In 2023, it is not digital transformation that drives business success, but sustainable digital transformation – not least because the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (in short: SDGs) also have a significant impact on corporate finance and the capital market as a result of the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

To achieve both the SDGs and one's own economic goals, a dual transformation is necessary. Twin transformers are among the market leaders of tomorrow!


Companies that embrace sustainable digital transformation contribute in particular to the following of the UN's 19 SDGs:

  • Innovation and infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Climate action
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Partnerships to achieve the goals


Trend #2: The Cloud on the Digital Horizon

Cloud services and data-driven business go hand in hand

Cloud services not only provide more agility, but also ensure data transparency, which increases the productivity of business units, strengthens customer relationships and makes sustainability initiatives possible in the first place.

Data mesh is an approach that decentralises data expertise, making it easier to share insights from data on a company-wide basis and thus leading to smarter business decisions.


The implementation of a new architecture such as a data mesh

  • reconciles the needs of those who generate data with the needs of those who consume it
  • shifts the collection and maintenance of data to the departments where it is generated
  • forms the basis for sustainable digital processes, products and services


Experts Predict:


will see cloud computing

lead the market for IT infrastructure.

Trend #3: Strategy & Operations

More Than

70 %

of companies

tie their own sustainability goals to the content of the SDGs: climate action, decent work and economic growth as well as industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Tips for a sustainable digital strategy update

Today, the question of twin transformation is at the heart of corporate strategy updates to define internal sustainability goals and ensure transparency as well as compliance.

The following also applies to sustainable digital transformers: only those who keep track of their performance succeed – and continue to do so. Outcomes from the analysis of the current situation can be linked to selected topics covered by the SDGs.


Small steps, big impact

Instead of launching random sustainability initiatives, we recommend that companies focus on topics that

  • can be addressed within one financial year
  • quickly lead to initial results
  • have a big impact


Trend #4: E-Commerce 2.0

Megatrends redefine growth in e-commerce

E-commerce continues to grow and is becoming more multi-faceted in itself. However, the most important trends all equally build on the megatrends of

  • sustainability
  • responsibility
  • participation


It is no longer just about purchasing products in a static online shop

E-commerce has long become e-commerce 2.0 – and thus a sea of possibilities. We take a look at

  • twin transformation: sustainability meets digital transformation
  • crisis-proof customer relationship management
  • direct to consumer (D2C)
  • inclusive design
  • circular commerce and much more


By the Way:

58 %

of German consumers

rethink their purchasing behaviour and opt for sustainable products when retailers provide full transparency on the carbon footprint of products.

Trend #5: Technologies & Systems


75 %

savings in IT maintenance costs

were achieved by the Danish Salling Group as a result of lower operating costs in general and the consolidation of its online shops into one platform.

Is there a one-size-fits-all solution or central platform?

New challenges call for new, multi-faceted solutions. Technical requirements are becoming more complex, customer expectations more demanding and the market more differentiated than ever. The online world is constantly evolving. The digital horizon shimmers in the most diverse facets. Successful companies use this wide variety to set themselves apart from the competition.


We carefully examine current tech and system trends such as

  • composable commerce
  • the MACH principle
  • decentralisation via distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks
  • design systems


Trend #6: Purpose & People

Only a strong team makes a strong brand

The market for qualified employees is extremely competitive. In spring 2022, almost half the companies in Germany saw the shortage of skilled labour as an obstacle to their business activities – and this percentage is rising.

But what tips the scales in favour of a company when it comes to skilled workers? We have observed the following: companies benefit from diverse perspectives and special skills if opportunities are created for colleagues to further develop themselves.


That is why this chapter covers topics such as

  • empowered leadership
  • flexible working models
  • sustainable corporate culture
  • diversity management and equal opportunities


It Is a Fact That



could not be filled with qualified employees in spring 2022.

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027