E-Commerce: More Than Just an Online Shop
In our new »Best Practices« publication, we want to present informative cases to illustrate what e-commerce systems can do, how they can be integrated into system landscapes and how companies use them successfully. Practical examples first, technology and theory second.
For years, the pressure has been growing on retailers, manufacturers and brands to digitise their sales channels in order to remain competitive. It is no longer just B2C commerce that is thriving, but also B2B commerce. Companies increasingly use more than just a conventional online shop: digital experience platforms are the latest trend.
In addition to sales, they also cover the areas of marketing and service. This is why companies must constantly evaluate their own e-commerce strategy and prepare their system landscape for the platform age.
E-Commerce Best Practices – What You Can Expect from the Publication
In these best practice insights, we want to take a practice-oriented look at how companies from various industries are already shaping their e-commerce sector in an innovative way and with lasting success.
You can also find out in our »E-Commerce Best Practices« publication:
- How much growth potential the e-commerce sector of your industry has
- How hessnatur has benefitted from the migration to SAP Commerce
- How Röchling runs a shop with only three products and infinitely many variants on Salesforce Commerce
- Why InsightCommodity uses a Magento Open Source e-commerce system as the basis for information trading with data relevant to the energy exchange
- Why PRECITOOL's multi-client platform based on commercetools is so unique
- How C.H.BECK manages 17 million products and several hundred thousand updates per day thanks to an innovative microservices approach
- How you can be successful in the platform age with the right e-commerce strategy
Want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!