
Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH

E-Commerce System and Digital Marketing Strategy for a Software Manufacturer

MTM Success Story

Find out in our success story how Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH laid the foundation for long-term growth in a new market segment together with dotSource.

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About MTM

In the automotive industry, in the production of washing machines, refrigerators or dishwashers and in countless other manufacturing sectors, efficient time management plays an important role. Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft provides the industry standard for this in Germany. The abbreviation MTM stands for Methods-Time Measurement, a globally recognised method for describing, evaluating and shaping human work.

The software required for this method is developed and sold by Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH with headquarters in Dresden. With MTM-Easy, the software manufacturer is addressing medium-sized companies for the first time – and thus a completely new customer group. For expanding its traditional analogue sales channels with a new online shop and a corresponding digital marketing strategy, Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft relied on the expertise of the dotSource digital experts.

Successful Launch in Just a Few Months with an MVP

The successful launch of a new product often requires a new sales channel. This also applies to Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft, the market leader in the field of time management. For describing, evaluating and shaping human work, the company launched its first commercial cloud product »MTM-Easy«, which is primarily aimed at new customers from the SME sector. With the help of the dotSource digital experts, Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft created the new digital sales channel required for selling this product.


Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH

INDUSTRYSoftware Manufacturer

E-Commerce and Digital Marketing


August 2020 – April 2021

TECHNOLOGYAdobe Commerce Cloud

Launching a Minimum Viable Product in Just a Few Months to Address a Completely New Customer Group

Initial Situation & Objectives

For its new software product »MTM-Easy«, Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH was looking for a new digital sales channel in summer 2020. Unlike the premium software »TiCon«, which was mainly sold via direct contact with large industrial companies in the past, MTM-Easy was to be sold to customers from the SME sector via established digital channels. However, the previous shop solution based on an e-learning platform offered neither sufficient flexibility nor the necessary scalability.

With the new online shop and the corresponding digital marketing measures, a fast and, above all, scalable solution for MTM’s software products was to be created. In order to be able to enter the new market segment as early as possible, the company decided to take the minimum viable product (MVP) approach.

Project Scope & Implementation

When it came to selecting the right shop software, Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft opted for Adobe Commerce Cloud. The main reasons behind this choice were the numerous features included in the standard version and the scalability.

Based on Scrum, the dotSource project team developed a first MVP, which was supplemented with a second MVP before the launch due to extended requirements. Since both the client and the contractor in this project came from the same industry, the cooperation went absolutely smoothly and culminated in a virtually seamless launch in April. Because the implementation of this project took place during the highly critical phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, MTM and dotSource worked together almost entirely remotely – despite their offices in Dresden being located in close proximity to each other.

Success & Added Value

With the implementation of a new shop software, Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH has successfully taken an important step towards establishing MTM as THE platform for time management. The client can now independently add new licensed products to the shop system without any major development effort and make them visible with suitable digital marketing measures.

dotSource was also able to provide support, advice and practical assistance in hosting the German MTM Conference, which took place entirely online for the first time in 2020.

What Our Clients Say

With dotSource, we have successfully taken the first important step away from traditional analogue sales to digital marketing for a completely new customer group. We were particularly convinced by the fact that we were not presented with a ready-made concept, but rather with options. This allowed us to work together to find the best way forward for MTM. We feel that we are now ideally prepared for future growth.

Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO MTM ASSOCIATION e. V./Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH

Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027