
White Paper »E-Commerce Potential in B2B«

What can e-commerce do for your business?

B2B is Becoming Digital

Request the white paper (published 1/2017) now and increase your sales!


Topic Overview: B2B E-Commerce

  • Digitalisation in the B2B sphere
  • German B2B market and B2B commerce . 06
  • Boosting e-commerce - driving B2B growth

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  • Simplification of standard orders 
  • M-commerce, an active player 
  • The acquisition and retention of customers made easier through marketing technologies 
  • Centralising and displaying information better
  • Displaying complex products 
  • User experience as a competitive advantage 
  • Automating process 
  • Faster internationalisation

E-Commerce in B2B is Still Uncharted Territory. However, There is a Large Potential for Retailers and Manufacturers

  • A B2B online shop allows you to address B and C clients. Your sales team can focus on especially lucrative customers.
  • An online shop offers more service and information. Products can be bought day and night and also directly from the location with the help of mobile commerce. 
  • A B2B online shop can facilitate the first steps into the international market

Considering that every B2B customer is also a B2C customer in their private lives, who might even prefer to buy from Amazon and co, e-commerce should be be a given.

In the complex B2B sector, this extensive process of transformation does not happen overnight. Prepared companies which have built up e-commerce competencies will profit. 

The Most Important Key Figures in B2B E-Commerce at a Glance

»B2B E-Commerce« Cheat Sheet Thumbnail

  • Our »B2B E-Commerce« cheat sheet shows you the most important facts and figures relating to the B2B market. How has the market developed? Is there untapped potential? The cheat sheet provides a clear overview and helps you make sound decisions.

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Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Nadine Kannengießer

Nadine Kannengießer

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 711 252769 52